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School of Journalism & Strategic Media

Accreditation Matters

Accreditation Equals Excellence

About 1,000 schools across the US offer study in journalism, public relations or some form of media.  Only 112 of these are accredited journalism and media programs.  We’re proud that MTSU is one of these.

Accreditation is a voluntary self-assessment and external review by educators and media professionals.  The reviewers examine program resources, classes and student success. Every six years, MTSU’s program is measured against national standards to ensure that we’re offering the best, most up-to-date experience we can provide. Accreditation provides an assurance of quality to students, parents, and the public.

The MTSU School of Journalism and Strategic Media was found in full compliance on all nine accreditation standards. 

Go to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for more information about the value of accreditation.

Our Mission Statement

The School of Journalsim and Strategic Media’s mission statement is comprised of five key points:

  • Provide an undergraduate education combining contemporary media instruction with hands-on professional experience.
  • Educate students about the role and responsibilities of a free press and media in a democratic and diverse society.
  • Prepare students for careers in journalism, communication, and strategic media in an ever-evolving media environment.
  • Contribute to the body of knowledge in journalism, communication, and strategic media through research, scholarship, creative, and professional activity.
  • Create an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity in its curriculum, organizations, and community engagement through its students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

A PDF copy of the Mission Statement can be downloaded here.

Our Strategic Plan

The SoJSM’s Strategic Plan can be viewed here.

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan

The SoJSM’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan can be viewed here.

Our Assessment Plan

The SoJSM’s Assessment Plan can be viewed here.

Follow Us!

Links to Student-Produced Media:

Middle Tennessee News 

(Digital news)

SideView Podcast

Contact Us

Phone: 615-898-2814
Journalism office: Bragg 249

School of Journalism and Strategic Media
Middle Tennessee State University
P.O. Box 64
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0001